Smart-Idea-150x150It’s been a while that I’ve been thinking of writing a new book and developing some training on self realization and personal development. Finally I chose the topic of Signature Story!

I believe that everyone has a signature story to tell. Whether you went through some struggle during your childhood, faced challenges during your teenaged years, or experienced hardship and difficult relationships during your adulthood, you were being prepared to discover your purpose and fulfill it at some point in your life.

I have set the following objectives for the book and the training:

– To assist others in reflecting on their lives and writing their signature stories
– To help them realize why they have chosen this life
– To support them in discovering their purpose through their signature stories
– To help them write the rest of their stories and what/how they desire it to be
– To guide them in writing a book based on their signature story and share it with millions
– To assist them in identifying opportunities for starting a small business based on their signature story

Overall, the main purpose is to empower people to get unstuck, have a breakthrough, become unstoppable, and maximize their happiness and success in life.

Before writing the book and developing the training, however, I have decided to start a new series of blog posts in Dream Achievers Academy about Signature Story. Hopefully through your comments and ideas I can develop a much better material.

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