360balanceLifestyle wellness is about 360° degree balance. It is about physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony. In order to achieve your dreams and your desired lifestyle, you need to create a 360° balance in life. And in order to create a 360° balance, you need to do 360° workout which is composed of physical workout, mental workout, emotional workout, and spiritual workout. I will talk about physical workout in this post and the rest in the next few posts.


Although happiness does not rest on the physical body, one’s lifestyle is affected by health and (to a certain degree) physical appearance. As they say, you feel good when you look good. Also, you will have more determination and zest for life if your body is in good shape. You need physical energy to work for your happiness. Your physical energy will affect your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy. Your physical health also affects your mood, which is a building block of happiness.

The rules for good health are simple yet difficult to follow for most people – right diet, regular exercise, enough sleep, regulated stress levels, avoidance of vices, etc. It is not just about the maintenance of weight. Nowadays, taking care of the health seems to be equated with losing weight and keeping the body slender and trim. A person needs to take care of the health to ensure that all the faculties in the body are functioning well enough for daily activities. There have been studies conducted on the clinically depressed, showing how regular exercise significantly improved their mood and disposition. A person is more likely to feel a sense of self- worth with good health.

Physical workouts make the energy flow through your body more easily and faster. Through physical activities, you allow positive energy to remove any block of negative energy that is stuck in certain areas of your body and has caused physical pain.

Physical activities such as stretches, exercises, jogging, running, and various sports combined with mental and spiritual awareness help you get fit both physically and mentally, reenergize yourself, and become ready to face all challenges. However, remember not to push yourself to extremes as it may cause your body to break down in the long run and may cause more harm. Physical workouts should always be in balance with mental, emotional, and spiritual workouts in order to keep the universal energy flowing.

In the next post, I will talk about the Mental Workout and its role in achieving your dreams and creating the lifestyle you desire.

Until next time, believe in yourself, lead with your heart, and succeed in happiness.


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