signature storyIn my previous posts, I explained what signature story is, why it is important to know your signature story, and what could happen when you know your signature story. In this post, I’d like to share with you the process for crafting your signature story:


Step 1. Reflect on Your Life

We need to reflect on the past in order to find out where we have been and how far we have come. It can help us figure out our negative behaviors, limiting beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses.

So spend some time, reflect back on your life, and complete the following statement:

In the past, I used to…(Talk about your negative behavior or bad habit)


Step 2. Talk about Your Beliefs

In many cases our limiting or even egoistic beliefs either stop us from moving forward or lead us to hit a roadblock. In this step, review your limiting or egoistic beliefs related to your negative behavior and bad habit in the previous step and complete the statement below:

Back then I believed… (Talk about your limiting or egoistic belief)

Step 3. Note Your Struggles

In this step, think of the roadblock you hit or the struggles you went through as consequences of the previous two steps. Write about your experience by having the following phrase in mind:

Then this happened…

Step 4. Identify Turning Points of Your Life

This step is about the peak of your story or the climax. You want to tell others about the peak of the struggle, how it pushed you out of your comfort zone, and what you did differently at that point that became a turning point and changed your direction and your life. So spend some time and complete the following statement:

Then I did this…

Step 5. Determine Lessons Learned/Aha! Moment

In this step, you identify what you learned from your experience. You want to specifically talk about those aha moments that you had. Your Aha moments can be Aha moments for those who are going through struggles similar to what you had experienced. Here is the statement that you should complete in this step:

Then, I realized/understood… (Talk about your Aha moments)

Step 6. Your Current State

This is about where you are in your life right now. It should be at least step further or level higher than what you used to be at. Even better, it should be linked to your purpose in life and how you want to serve others. For this purpose, complete the statement below:

Now, I am on a mission to… (Talk about your vision, passion, and purpose)

Step 7. Put It All Together

Now let’s put everything together:

I used to feel … (from step 1)
Back then, I believed …(from step 2)
Then this happened … (from step 3)
And I did this … (from step 4)
Then, I realized/understood … (from step 5)
Now, I am on a mission to … (from step 6)

Now spend some quality time to polish your story for better flow. Use more powerful and emotional words so people can connect better. Once you are done, share it with your loved ones and friends and get feedback. If necessary, polish it more based on the feedback and then share it with a wider audience through speaking or writing. You will be amazed with the results and the positive impacts your story can have on people’s lives.

Your signature story will lead you to your big WHY. And that’s what people really want to know. So what are you waiting for? Share your signature story! If you are still not clear or need guidance, let me know. I will be happy to help.

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