real dream busterHow many times have you come up with a great idea, a big goal or a dream but then no action took place to pursue the idea, fulfill the goal, or make the dream a reality? Have you ever thought to yourself why year after year you postpone the massive action you have to take to make your lifelong dreams a reality?

Most of us have aspirations, big goals, and dreams. We know what we are really supposed to do to fulfill our purpose. But we do not do what it takes because of our dream busters!

As human beings we often want to blame others for our misfortunes. We think that our parents, friends, spouse, children, siblings, teachers, bosses, society, and so on are the ones that throw stones on our way to success and bust our dreams and aspirations. We rarely think of the real cause, the real dream buster; ourselves!

You heard it right. Yes, YOU are the real dream buster, the one who blocks his or her own way to the peak of success. No one else can be kept accountable. Why? Because you are the ultimate decision maker in your life, you are the one who puts the stamp of GO or NO GO on any roadway to fulfilling your desires and dreams. If you want proof, just monitor yourself or ask someone to monitor you when you talk to others about your goals, dreams, or desires. If you use a statement that begins with one of the following you may probably bust your goal, dream, or desire sooner or later:

#1: What if…
Using What if followed by a negative sentence is a sign of fear and doubt. It shows your lack of self-belief. When you do not believe in yourself, when you do not have faith in your desired outcome, your chance of fulfilling it will dramatically decrease. Here are some examples of this dream busting phrase: What if I fail, what if the new business fails, what if it does not work, what if she says no, what if they don’t hire me, what if he laughs at me, what if this is just a dream, what if I have to spend lots of money, what if I lose my job.

#2: It is too …
Using it is too followed by an adjective is typically a sign of procrastination. When you use this phrase you tend to delay the actions you need to take. Procrastination is one of the key factors why many people do not achieve their goals. When you say it is too early, it is too late, it is too complicated, it is too expensive, it is too risky, it is too far from reach, etc. you are basically saying that you are not ready yet and you need to wait longer for the perfect or ideal situation that might never come!

#3: I cannot…
How many times have you used this phrase in your conversations about your goals and dreams? I cannot do it, I cannot move forward, I cannot solve it, I cannot pay the price, I cannot be patient, I cannot decide, I cannot learn, etc. Using I cannot is typically a sign for lack of self-confidence that may result in giving up early or just before the breakthrough takes place.

#4: I don’t have…
This is one of the mostly used phrases that would result in delay or put an end to your goals and dreams. When you say I don’t have money, I don’t have time, I don’t have resources, I don’t have connections, I don’t have any luck, I don’t have a chance, etc. you shift your focus on scarcity or closed door rather than opportunity or open door. Use of I don’t have might prevent you from thinking big or taking massive action and therefore reaching your goals or fulfilling your dreams.

#5: I don’t need…
Using I don’t need can be a sign of over confidence or selfishness. When you use this phrase you simply want to take the shortcut. You think that you have everything needed for getting what you want or you do not see any value in doing something that might be necessary. Examples include I don’t need to share my dreams, I don’t need to grow, I don’t need to do the work, I don’t need to plan, I don’t need to change, I don’t need to say yes/no, I don’t need to work with him, I don’t need to spend time/money/resources, I don’t need to travel, I don’t need help, I don’t need a coach, I don’t need a mentor, I don’t need to learn, etc. Many times what we think we do not need is actually what we definitely need if we want to get to the next level.

You see, any of the above commonly used phrases could easily stop you from moving forward or even destruct whatever you have already built toward achieving your goals, dreams, and desires. So the real dream buster is not outside of us, it is right within us.

If you want to achieve your dreams faster, stop blaming others for your failures, shortcomings, and circumstances and start realizing that you are the only accountable person for all the results you see in your life. When you do this and decide to lead your life to the ultimate success, you set yourself for victory.

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