New Book Reveals How to Get Absolute Clarity on What You Truly Want in Life and Build Unshakable Confidence for Achieving It Fast...Without Getting Stuck

Your Trusted Guide for Realizing Your Dreams, Overcoming Your Challenges, and Getting What You Want in Your Life

Kamran Akbarzadeh, Founder of Dream Achievers Academy

Yes, I Want the Book

From The Desk Of Kamran Akbarzadeh
Houston, TX

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to attract more money into your life, develop more fulfilling and loving relationships, build a more successful career, live a happier and more peaceful life, or achieve any other dream you have in your life, this will be one of the most important book you'll ever read.

And it's easy to read.

At 128 pages, you can read it in couple of days. And you'll immediately "get" the entire system I personally use to accomplish my goals and fulfill my dreams a timely manner.

You can use the system explained in this book to achieve your personal goals as well as your business or career goals and dreams.

For example, I am currently using the same system to achieve financial freedom and living an abundant life.

I used the same strategies in the book to help one of my coaching client get ‘unstuck’ in her life and choose her new career path to fulfill her purpose in life.

A client in Africa is using the same strategies in the book to help people in his country overcome their challenges and change their lives for the better.

There's more to this book than "just" achieving success. Here's a fraction of what you're getting...

  • The simple yet most powerful universal law that explains why you get the results that you do not expect in your life and how to change the outcome in your favor by understanding and following this law. Hint: It's NOT The Law of Attraction! Page 33
  • My simple yet effective dream achieving process that I have used for accomplishing my goals and dreams. This is the process that I have also used successfully to help my coaching clients get the results they want to see in their life. I’ll show you how to get absolute clarity and craft a perfect dream testimony and map your way to ultimate success. Page 52
  • Why we tend to procrastinate even if we know what we want to achieve in life and how to cure this epidemic issue. Page 16
  • What to do if you are confused in life and feel 'stuck' no matter how much you try. Find out why this could be a good thing! Page 91
  • A highly practical framework for building unshakable confidence and overcoming the challenges you are facing in your life. Implement this framework in order to open the gates that were once closed and enjoy the rewards. Page 40
  • The three questions that I asked myself when I was challenged at my work and how the answers to those questions changed my life for ever. These are the three questions you need to ask yourself if you are not happy with what you are doing. Page 12
  • The top 5 challenges that are stopping most people from moving forward toward getting what they want in their lives, how to know which one is your top challenge, and what to do about them. Page 21
  • Five phrases that can literally kill your dreams without prior notice and how to replace them with the right phrases that can guarantee your expected results. Page 30
  • My ACE formula for proper response to the challenges you face on your journey to the peak of success. Apply this formula to turn your dreams and aspirations into reality! Page 47
  • Top strategies for accelerating your achievements so you can get the results you want to see in your life faster! I use these strategies to boost my productivity, performance, and profit. I am pretty sure that if you apply these strategies in your personal and professional life, you will be able to implement your plans with less hesitation and achieve your goals and dreams in a shorter period of time. Page 65
  • How to go beyond physical achievements by developing a 360-degree balanced lifestyle that lead you to living a life of significance. Page 96
  • Three powerful questions to ask yourself in order to identify your passion and your life’s work. Page 14
  • The story that helped me realize my purpose in life and the most powerful question to ask yourself for discovering your own purpose in life so you can live a happier and more fulfilled life. Page 118
  • Practical assignment at the end of each chapter to help you apply the lessons learned in your day to day life and get what you want faster!

You're right ...that is a lot of practical strategies and tactics.

But it gets better because you're also getting ...

BONUS: An Advanced "Success Roadmap" For Meeting
Your Short-Term and Long-Term Goals!

With this downloadable roadmap and its associated video, you're getting a complete guideline for achieving your short-term and long-term goals.

You'll learn how to become a high achiever- with no pain.

This simple but effective method has been giving me great results for the last few years, and I believe it can help you get great results too!

Note that all the tools, techniques, and strategies that I share with you in this book work whether you want higher income, a more fulfilling job, better relationships, more free time, better health, or a more fulfilled lifestyle.

Here's What To Do Next

The "cost" of this book is $5.97, and you get it instantly as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an automated receipt with a link to download the book directly in your email.

You can access it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait for the mail man.

Please note that This is a limited offer. Act now to get also: 

BONUS #2: An Advanced 90-Minute Training, FREE

During this training, I'll walk you through exactly what's working to get what you want in life right now.

You'll see the actual system I'm using.

You'll see the tools I'm applying.

I'll even share with you 8 stages of extraordinary achievement that help you get to the peak of success and live a life of significance.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ... 

The Boldest Guarantee In The World


I 100% Guarantee you'll love this book and the new video training or I'll return your $4.97, let you keep the book and the video training anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll give you back your $5.97 with no questions asked. 

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before It's Over


Yes, I Want the Book

SPECIAL EXTRA BONUS: Self-Confidence Cheat Sheet

If you invest in Get What You Want book today, in addition to the Success Roadmap and bonus training, you will also receive my Self-Confidence Cheat Sheet that I recently put together. This cheat sheet helps you build your self-confidence and join the "Confident People Club"! If you do not get what you want in your life simply because of fear, doubt,  and low self-esteem, having this cheat sheet is a must. It is full of battle tested tips for boosting your confidence level so you overcome your fear and doubt and do what is right immediately!

Why It Is Very Crucial For You To Invest In This Book Right Now...


What's really important now is NOT the tiny amount you'll invest in this book but how much you'll LOSE OUT if you don't!

Don't let anything stand in the way between you and your success with your life and getting your dreams and goals under control.

Think about how much you could change your life if you really applied the strategies that I will share with you in this book. You could be a success in your life and get what you truly want.

Success really is about the accumulated momentum and results you get when you do the right things day after day in your life and work. No long-term success happens in life or work without this as the foundation...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Kamran Akbarzadeh, Founder of Dream Achievers Academy

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering  you a 128 page book that outlines how to get what you want in your life ...even if you are currently ‘stuck’ and do not see a way forward.

The book is $5.97.

I'm also walking you through a "Success Roadmap" I created that helps you achieve your short-term and long-terms goals with no stress.

What's important about this is it a one-page roadmap that puts you on the right track to ultimate success.

On top of all that, I'm also giving you a 90-minute online training, free, which shows you exactly how to become an extraordinary achiever in 56 days!

And if you act now, I will also send you my Self-Confidence Cheat Sheet so you get access to battle tested tip for boosting your confidence level and overcoming your fear and doubt on your journey to the peak of success in your life.

This is a very limited offer and the price will go up soon.

If you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back the $5.97. You don't even need to send the book back.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

This book is filled with wisdom and advice for those who are seeking to make great changes in their lives. Sharing tips and quotes from a wide variety of well-known experts in the personal development, life coaching, spiritual coaching and business coaching fields, Akbarzadeh displays that he has clearly done his research. Not only does the author share his own story early on in the book, but he drives his message home time and again by asking the reader if they've been feeling what he's talking about. Get What You Want moves readers from figuring out what's stopping them to fulfilling their dreams in just ten easy-to-read chapters.

Get What You Want fulfills the promise of the subtitle, Your Trusted Guide for Realizing Your Dreams, Overcoming Your Challenges, and Getting What You Want in Your Life, as Akbarzadeh shares interesting tips and activities throughout each chapter. Readers can then go through their own journey by completing each of the questions, which are shared at the end of each chapter via an assignment. Upon reaching the conclusion of Get What You Want, Kamran Akbarzadeh doesn't leave the reader hanging either. He tells the reader what to do next, whether that's following his fan page on Facebook, joining his academy, or getting private coaching. That guidance and call-to-action at the end sets Get What You Want apart from many other self-help books out there. Instead of being left to stick this book back on a shelf or delete it from one's digital device, the author calls for the reader to take the next step and actually apply what was shared in the book.

Janelle Alex

Kamran you truly are an inspiration to all who have known you and the people who you helped including myself. The time you spent showed how dedicated you are in helping others get ahead in life and to go after their dreams and to start living their life, which I myself was able to do that. Your book is well written and very well to understand by all and it shows you step by step of how to get there as long as you just "Do It".

Anita Timms Anita Timms
HR Professional

Most people are making significant efforts to make progress in their career and personal life. Unfortunately, the detailed plotting of their motivations, goals, challenges, etc. are usually missing and this crucial work is done instinctively. Kamran’s notes and suggestions help you to recognize your weak points, organize your actions, and realize that your problems are quite common and there are techniques and resources to successfully deal with them. Once you come to terms with the patterns, which are hindering your progress, you can start looking for solutions and help. This book is among the first ones you will want to read along your avenue of self-improvement.

Geza S. Geza S.
Yes, Send Me a Copy of the Book and Special Bonuses

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