
What do you want the most? If you had all the money, time, and resources, what would you do?

These are the type of questions that you have most probably heard and thought about. Depending on your situation in life, your answers would be different. For instance, if you don’t have a car or your car is old, you might desire a car. If you are tired of renting an apartment, you might dream of having your own house. If you have a house but it is not that big, you might desire a bigger house. If you have an iPhone 7, you might dream of having an iPhone X. If you are overweight, you might want to lose weight. If you don’t like your shape, you might dream of going under surgery to change your shape! If you are an adventurous, you might desire to travel around the world and have fun.

In general, our dreams are linked to our past, present, and future desires. Most of our desires, however, are superficial. Consequently, our dreams do not usually go beyond physical wants and needs. These physical wants and needs are mainly in response to the external noises around us. And since we are living in a world in which we are constantly bombarded with external noises such as advertisements, negative news, and people’s opinions about us, we don’t get a chance to think more deeply about our true needs and desires.

The reality is that when we work hard and fulfill our current physical dreams, we do not become satisfied. We long for more. And since we don’t slow down to think why we want what we want, we work even harder to achieve more of our physical dreams and desires. This cycle of wanting more without slowing down may go on until we get old. Eventually, despite all the physical achievements, we may realize that we are not happy internally. We feel empty inside. We lack peace of mind! Unfortunately, most of us leave this world unfulfilled!

The question is, how can you avoid this? How can you make sure that you won’t end dying unfulfilled?

The answer is that you should go beyond physical achievements. Your current dreams and desires should lead you to deeper understanding of yourself, your spiritual growth, and living a fulfilled and happy life.

Listen to this episode of the Dream Achievers Podcast to learn about a 4-step process for going beyond your physical dreams and desires.

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