Providing feedback is a necessary and important task for helping others make progress and grow. An effective feedback is one that creates a positive impact. In this post I share with you a simple formula called IMPACT formula for giving effective feedback to others.  


Feedback to Impact 


Here is the suggested IMPACT formula for giving feedback to impact:
Inspire:Be present and real; Connect with an effective eye contact and a smile on your face; Start and end on a positive note; Listen effectively; Aim for the heart

Mean what you say:Be sincere; Eliminate using ‘but’ after a positive point; Watch your voice

Personalize not genaralize:Call by name; Be friendly; Be specific; Bring examples; Do not compare; Use "In my mind…", "I believe…", "I think…", etc.

Action oriented:Action brings results; Suggest some action items: "I challenge you to…", "Next time I'd like to see…", etc.

Constructive yet positive:Include points of improvement in a positive manner; Watch your language; Don’t go to extremes; Be realistic

To the point:Be prepared; Know what you want to say; Be concise; Stay on track

As an assignment, implement the IMPACT formula during this week as much as you can and see the results. I appreciate your feedback.

To Your Leadership,


p.s. My Leadership Makeover Assessments for Success are ready. You can take them for free. See the right side bar for more details.

Kamran   Akbarzadeh, PhD
Founder of Dream Achievers Academy
Author of Leadership Soup


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