Procrastination is the number one cause for not acting right away. Normally, we tend to delay things because we think it is not the right time, because we think that we are not ready to pursue our dreams yet. We leave our plans, goals, and dreams to later when we get less busy, when the right time comes, or when the right person shows up. But what if that right time never comes, what if we never get less busy, what if suddenly we have to leave this world?

Couple of years ago, I got very clear on my passion, on my personal vision, and on my dream. But something was missing. It was Action. I had lots of plans but I was not taking a step toward accomplishing what I wanted to do. I was delaying things because I thought it was not the right time yet.

But then I attended a leadership seminar in May 2009. This seminar in which inspiring speakers and leaders like John Maxwell, Mark Sanborn, and Liz Murray were present was eye opening for me. The message was simple: “Don’t delay. Do it now. If not now, then never.” So, I made a commitment and started acting by performing my plans. In just 2 months I made a lot of progress. Since I got on the right track, right tools and resources started showing up. This even made me more excited and energetic toward achieving my dream. And as a result I founded Dream Achievers Academy. You see the power of action and more importantly the power of acting NOW?

The message: don’t leave your dreams to later because later may never come. Things are happening suddenly and who knows may be in the next few years this cycle of the world would come to an end and that time it would be too late to regret because we would not get another chance. If you think you are too busy and do not have time to think about your dream and do something about it now, my suggestion to you is to get up early. Don’t miss the power in getting up early. Start with waking up one hour earlier than your normal wake up every day. You will see how positive the impact would be on your progress in life.

Find what you love and do it. Find your passion and act toward fulfilling it. If you don’t do it, it will never get done and you will never be satisfied.

Kamran Akbarzadeh

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