Are you a player or a fan?

If you study the life of top players, you will notice that they always want to play, they don’t sit back and relax. They are in charge of their game. They are in the driver seat.

They lead. Players play. They are not fans. And that is why they are followed by lots of fans.

Fans, on the other hand, are followers. They cheer on the top players that they follow. They sit in front of the TV to watch their players play. They stay in line to meet their players. They go to the stadium and pay to cheer on their players.

The majority of people are fans. They follow without being in charge. They follow the crowd all the time.

In this video, I share with you an example that differentiates the players from fans. I hope that this video can help you realize the importance of developing yourself to take charge, be THE player of your own life, say goodbye to the fan life!

What to do next?

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