share your signature story In my previous post, I explained why it is important to know your signature story. Now you may ask: “What could happen when I know my signature story?”. Well, many good things could take place. Following are some possible outcomes:

You feel relieved
Your signature story is directly linked to your struggles. The issues that you have faced, the challenges that you have overcome, and the pressure and stress you have felt as part of your life’ journey have all shaped your story. Once you know the reason behind all this by looking at the big picture and developing your story, your struggles till that point would end. You would feel relieved because you know that all those struggles and hard work have been part of the process for you to grow and get to the point you are today.

It will open your eyes
For many knowing their signature story might lead to an aha! moment; a moment of awakening. It could be like waking up from a long sleep with your eyes wide open to new realities and exciting opportunities. You’d understand why you are doing what you are doing. It would all make sense in such a way that you would not want to go to sleep again!

You feel empowered
In fact, your signature story is an empowering story. It puts you in the driver’s seat, in power. You feel that you are now in charge of accomplishing an important mission. Once such an empowerment takes place it would take you a long way. It would fuel you up for a life time. And that is when with the spark of your passion you would be able to empower many others.

You get out of your comfort zone
For many knowing their signature story becomes a new beginning. They realize that they have been living in their comfort zones for a long time. They understand that in order to get to where they are supposed to be, they need to step up, break their boundaries, and change their life for the better. And as such they decide to write the rest of their story an amazing one. They would take the lead and not only become the writer but also the director and producer so they make it the best story ever!

You learn and grow rich
Knowing your signature story would also lead to further learning and growth. You would dig down more to learn more about yourself. As a result, you would grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This would place you on the path of self mastery and soul consciousness. You would lead your life to the peak of success and attract the right people and abundance along the way.

You share it with more people
Writing about your signature story and sharing it with others could be the highest reward that you might gain. Deep down we all want to contribute to creation of a new world full of peace, happiness, and abundance. Sharing your signature story with others through writing, speaking, training, and/or coaching could uplift many people and help them live a more fulfilled life and be the leader of their lives. If you always wanted to write a book or start a business that you are passionate about, now it is time. Share your signature story!

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