first step for achieving your goalsAt the beginning of each year, many of us come up with some New Year resolutions. These are set goals that we want to achieve.

Sometimes our set goals are about changing bad habits to positive ones. For instance, we think that we are over weight because of eating fast foods (bad habit) and we should lose some weight. So we set the goal of going to gym and eating more healthy food (positive habits).

Other times, our set goals are about starting something new. For instance, we think that we should write a book, start our own business, or find a new job.

At first we are excited about our set goals. We may come up with a plan and even create a timetable for achieving our goals. We follow our plan and take action for some time. We may or may not see some positive results. After a while, however, when we hit a roadblock, we lose our momentum and excitement. As a result we get back to our bad habit. We tell ourselves that we’d get back on track later. But this “later” does not normally come back until next year! We may set the same goal next year and start this cycle all over again. That is how most people settle for much less than what they are capable of.

What do you think the issue is? Why can’t you achieve the goal you set for yourself but someone else can?

In my experience, lack of ownership is the main issue. “Owning” your set goal is what is missing. If you truly DECIDE to achieve a goal, nothing can stop you from achieving it. That is what differentiates successful people from unsuccessful ones. Successful people own their set goals and truly decide to achieve them no matter what. Unsuccessful people skip this first and most important step and end up failing to achieve their set goals.

So before planning for your next goal and taking action toward achieving it, own that goal and truly decide to take responsibility and do your best to accomplish it. Think about why it is important for YOU to achieve this goal and what consequences it might have if you don’t. I assure you that if you take this important step first you will get much better results and your probability of success will dramatically increase.

Remember that if you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got. If you are not happy with the results you get, something has to change. DECIDE to change YOUR life for the better now!

I appreciate your comment and questions below. I personally respond.

To your success,
Kamran Akbarzadeh, PhD
Founder of Dream Achievers Academy

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