“To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind.”— Seneca

Have you ever started doing something without even knowing why you are doing it or where you want to go by accomplishing it? Have you ever had the experience of doing many things but not achieving enough?

How did you feel in such situations? Exhausted? Confused? Drained? Overwhelmed? Lost? Dissatisfied?

Have you ever thought about what could be the reason for feeling exhausted, confused, drained, overwhelmed, lost, or dissatisfied despite all the activities that you have had?

The main reason is lack of a motivator called vision!

Without vision you are like the captain of a ship whose compass doesn’t function. Without vision you are like a driver who does not know where his destination is. Without vision you are like a traveller who does not know the purpose of her trip or where she is heading to.

Unfortunately, many organizations do not have a powerful vision or if they do, it is not communicated properly. Either way they do not succeed in the long term especially during tough times like economy crises.

Authentic leaders are visionary in both their personal and professional lives. They create powerful visions, communicate their visions to their people, and motivate them to act toward achieving their visions.

Having a clear picture of where you want to be or what you want to become is key in staying on track toward not only reaching the destination but also hitting the target.

Kamran Akbarzadeh, Ph.D., CDC
Founder of Dream Achievers Academy

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