Last night I thought about a question that came to my mind: “What makes me happy in life?” Some of my answers to this question were as follows:

  • My wife’s happiness makes me happy.
  • Happiness of my kids makes me happy. (although, I may change my mind when they are too noisy as the result of their happiness)
  • Finishing something unfinished makes me happy.
  • Meditation and connection with the Source make me peaceful and happy.
  • Helping others through my coaching and training services makes me happy.

Then I posted the same question on my Facebook page and asked my Facebook friends what makes them happy. Several people shared their thoughts. Here is a snapshot of their responses.

Now I would like to ask you the same question:

What makes YOU happy and why?

Let me know your best but honest answer to this question in the comment box below. I am going to review all answers that I receive by the end of April and reward the best one.

The winner will get full access to my new online training program, Dream On and Get What You Want.

Please note that you need to submit your answer in the comment box below to enter into this contest.

Until next time live the life of your dream and make a difference consistently,

To your happiness,


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