Four Super Tips for Managing Your Precious Time

Every day is 86,400 seconds. Every second counts. Each second passed is part of the past and cannot be returned any more. All people have access to only 86,400 seconds a day. So, why some

Four Ways to Increase Productivity

We all have 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for performing our taks and meeting our objectives. But why some of us can do more in the same time frame than others?

Authentic Leader Lifestyle

Many of us think that we cannot be great leaders. We believe that effective leaders must be people with extraordinary ability. If that is the way you think, you'd better change your mindset. Many people

Building Trust Is a Must: Five Ways to Build Trust

Building trust is a must. If a leader cannot be trusted, no one is going to follow him or her. Without trust, applying successful changes in an organization becomes very difficult if not impossible. Visions

Three Reasons Why Authentic Leadership Matters

With the enormous changes that the world is going through in the 21st century, we are in need of authentic leaders who are change agents and who will help humanity go through this massive change